12 December 2009

Christian's strategically exposed single

dorm tour

christian dorm tour3 christian dorm tour1 christian dorm tour2

Name: Christian Martell
Location: Brown University, Hegeman
Type of room: Single with small closet

Let's face it storage can often be an issue in dorm rooms. But, rather than hiding your belongings, why not leave them out in the open for everyone to enjoy? Take a look at how this dorm features creative ways to use your things as decor. It's easy, personalized and, best of all, totally affordable...

Bird and flower decals cost about $10 on Amazon. I used the construction paper it came wrapped in as a backdrop.




Here is an example of what NOT to display.

christian under bed christian bed

christian decals 2

christian wardrobe

christian scarves

More decals and a durable door organizer that's toughed it out all four years of college.

christian wall hanger

christian decals

christian bookcase

These were the result of a shopping/arts & crafts day. The bags are from Urban Outfitters and the paper is from old Vanity Fair issues.

c christian

c martell


  1. Hey Christian, I used the same "A" in Martell for this scrapbook I made!

